Graduation Project
Student Name: Kreshnik Turabi
Tutors: Dr. Mahmut Tugrul Kirmizi - Marshan (Assoc. Prof.)
E Dobjani; E Shtepani
Project Title:
"Roli i arkitekturės dhe dizajnit urban nė rikonceptimin e misionit integrues dhe tė bashkejetesės sė strukturave fetare. Rasti i xhamisė sė re nė Tiranė. Projekt nė shkallė urbane dhe arkitektonike."
"The role of architecture and urban design in the preconception of the mission integration and coexistence of religious structures. The case of a new mosque in Tirana. Project in urban and architectural scale.
Elements of a research proposal and report
1. Abstract in English & Albanian languages. (The total length of the abstract must not exceed one (A4) page in both versions).
2. General knowledge about related works and researches that have been completed before us and our contribution to the field. (The total length of this part must not exceed ten (A4) pages).
2.1. Purpose and content of before done researches in this field.
What is the purpose of research?
2.2. Our contribution to the field.
3. The need for a new mosque in Tirana Central District. Symptoms & Diagnosis.
3.1. New mosques in European Countries, USA, Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia. New ideas and trends. Photographs, plans. comments.
3.2. Concepts of survey and questionnaire design.
3.3. A sample questionnaire will be designed to see if a new mosque in Tirana Central District is needed.
Quick Link for "Survey & Questionnaire Design"
4. Materials and method. (Alternative approaches according to different ideologies should be discussed)
Quick Link for "Research Methods Tutorials"
Method in Social Science : a realist approach
Research methods in the social sciences
5. Urban Design approach.
5.1. Existing examples & presentations.
Architecture Year 2 Urban Design Project (Sketchup Presentation)
Architecture & Urban Design Graduation Project - Animation
Construction Sequence Animation in SketchUp Tutorial
5.2. Alternatives for the new mosque in Tirana Central District in 1/5000, 1/2000, 1/1000 scales.
6. Architectural Design alternatives.
6.1. Three alternatives in 1/500 scale.
6.2. Mosque project in 1/200, 1/100, 1/50, 1/20 scales.
Samples for Architectural presentation sheets
7. Results & proposals.
7.1. The role of the new mosque in Tirana Central District as a community center.
7.2. Ideas for developments in future. PowerPoint presentation and animations.
8. References. (Min. 20 references should be mentioned).
Quick link for "Citing sources / Example style"
Project Submittal Checklist
1. Site Plan and/or Civil Drawings
1.1. Comprehensive campus site plan and enlarged site for scope of work
1.2. Identification of each building including name, occupancy and construction type
1.3. Accessible parking spaces identified and detailed
1.4. Accessible restrooms, drinking fountains and public phones shown and other facilities identified
1.5. Sidewalk and roadway widths and surface materials identified
1.6. Covered walkways and shade structures clearly identified as new or existing
1.7. Path of travel from public transportation stops, public way accessible parking/accessible passenger loading zones, administration buildings
1.8. Local fire protection authority sign off on site plan for fire department access route (fully demensioned), fire hydrant, water supply data
1.9. Underground and above-ground utilities and drainage systems identified
1.10. Topography lines, spot and building outlines, building elevations, and grade information
2. Floor Plans
2.1. Fully dimensioned drawings demonstrating access compliance including toilet rooms, elevators, wheelchair lifts, stairs, ramps, and door clearances, doors with panic hardware, rated walls
2.2. Room labels indicating use and room occupancy load identified
2.3. Exit analysis (show exit widths and cumulative loads to exit) including exit discharge paths and widths
2.4. Fixed furniture and equipment layouts, detailed casework functions/accessibility features
2.5. New and existing fire extinguisher type and location identified
2.6. Enlarged floor plans of restrooms, elevators, stairs, ramps, lifts, etc. cross-referenced
2.7. Way-finding and signage legends and locations with details cross-referenced and key plan
3. Architectural Details, Elevations, Sections, and Reflective Ceiling and Roof Plans
3.1. Door, hardware, windows and wall finish schedules including details, panic hardware and fire door and rated and tempered glazing/window assemblies referenced
3.2. Detailed interior elevations, exterior elevations, and sections
3.3. Door openings and wall penetration located and detailed
3.4. Sky lights (size and location), soffits, and other architectural projections identified
3.5. Television bracket, projector, walk-in refregerators and freezers identified
3.6. Roof classes identified
3.7. Space activity and use identified (Access and Fire Life-Safety review)
4. Structural Drawings
4.1. Design basis, materials and lateral system indicated
4.2. Typical details, schedules and notes provided as applicable to scope of work
5. 3D Model
5.1. Physical 3D Model
5.2. Three perspectives in traditional and / or digital drawing techniques.
5.3. PowerPoint Presentation
5.4. Animation
1. Participation & Interaction %10
2. Mid - Term Examination - Jury 1 %20
3. Mid - Term Examination - Jury 2 %20
4. Final Project - Jury 3 %50
Updating the Mosque for the 21st Century
New Mosques. "Abdulwahed Al-Wakeel"
"Abdulwahed Al-Wakeel" Digital Library
The mosque as a community development centre